Nomination Committee
Article 8 of the company’s articles of association stipulates that the Nomination Committee shall comprise a total of three people, who shall be shareholders or shareholders’ representatives. The Nomination Committee’s composition shall be such that the interests of shareholders as a community are upheld, and the majority of committee members shall be independent of management and the Board. The members of the Nomination Committee, including its chair, are elected by the AGM for a term of two years. Members may be re-elected. To ensure continuity, members’ terms of office shall not coincide. The remuneration payable to members of the Nomination Committee is determined by the AGM. A set of regulations governing the work of the Nomination Committee was adopted at the board meeting of 21 March 2007 and updated at the AGM in 2014.
As at 16 October 2023, the Nomination Committee comprised the following:
- Bjørn Wiggen (chair)
- Endre Kolbjørnsen
The Nomination Committee shall make a recommendation to the AGM with respect to candidates for election to the Board of Directors and Nomination Committee, as well as propose the remuneration payable to the members of the Board and the Nomination Committee. In its work, the Nomination Committee shall take into consideration relevant statutory requirements with respect to the composition of the company’s governing bodies, as well as principles for corporate governance laid down in the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance drawn up by NUES. Proposals for members of the Board and Nomination Committee should safeguard the shareholder community’s interests and the company’s need for competence, capacity and diversity. To achieve this the Nomination Committee may contact shareholders and company directors.
The Nomination Committee draws up criteria for the selection of candidates for the Board and Nomination Committee, in which both sexes should be represented. The Nomination Committee should, over time, balance the requirements for continuity and renewal in the individual governing body. Relevant candidates must be asked whether they are willing to undertake the office of director or deputy director.
The committee should base its recommendations with respect to the remuneration payable on (a) information about the size of the remuneration paid to elected officers in other comparable companies, and (b) on the scope of work and the amount of effort the elected officers are expected to devote to the task on behalf of the company.
The Nomination Committee’s recommendation to the AGM must be published in good time, so that it can be communicated to the shareholders before the meeting takes place. The recommendation shall accompany the invitation to attend the AGM, no later than 21 days before the meeting takes place. The committee’s recommendation shall contain information about the candidates’ independence and competence, including age, education and work experience. If relevant, notice shall also be given about how long the candidate has been an elected officer of the company, any assignments for the company, as well as material assignments for other group companies that may be of significance.
Proposals to the Nomination Committee
All shareholders are entitled to propose candidates for the Board or other elected offices to the Nomination Committee. Such proposals must be submitted to the Nomination Committee no less than six weeks prior to the company’s AGM. All proposals shall be sent by email to the Nomination Committee’s chair. Contact details are available from the company’s website www.salmar.no.
Nomination Committee’s chair: Bjørn Wiggen, bw@kverva.no